Porcupine quill removal Mix 2 tsp. of baking soda in one cup of vinegar and apply where the quills enter the skin. Wait 10 minutes, then reapply. Wait another 10 minutes. The reaction of mild alkali and mild acid chemically soften the quills for easy removal. Grip each quill with tweezers and while someone holds the pet, pull away with a quick motion. Rinse the area immediately with cool water and apply neosporin to each quill site. Consult with your veterinary to see if anything else needs to be done.
Skunk Smell Removal 1 quart 3 percent hydrogen peroxide (of you cant find hydrogen peroxide then a 2% vinegar solution will work),
1/4 cup baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), 1 teaspoon liquid soap or dish detergent. Mix these together and bathe ("shampoo" in or rub down) the spray victim thoroughly. Be sure to use this mixture immediately after it is created, as it is unstable. Rinse with tap water afterward, and repeat if necessary. For spray in the eyes, flush with water as soon as possible. Consult with your veterinary to see if anything else needs to be done.
Tammy & Tony Harris (253) 576-3297
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